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Goodbye 2021

 Here is my retrospective of what I had done during last year.

This year was quite interesting in terms of experiences
✅I made my first sushi roll
✅Got the luck coin from a Taiwanese dambling
✅Recorded a lot of podcast episodes.
✅I delivered a bunch of trainings and 2 months long on-line trainshop.
✅A lot of running and sport activities
💪Joined an amazing Tony Robbins event
📖Study hard and passed a bunch of exams.
✅Got sun tanned on the beach and on my balcony 😉
🦀Got my certification in scuba diving
✅Met amazing people
✈️ Travel a bit
✅Lead my team to pass two audits at work
✅Supported the Startup ecosystem with trainings and mentoring
✅Got my 3rd vaccine 😉
✅Moved to a new place 😉
Goodbye 2021 and thank you for all the fish!


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