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Showing posts from June, 2023

The decision and the logic behind it

 Reducing your time thinking about stuffs is important because then your focus can be fully utilized on the most important things. I decided to move this blog to Blogger. I used to host it on WordPress, but overtime I don't see the reason to maintain it and to fear about speeding it up and the user experience. I know that there are cons on this decision, but the overall confidence I have about reducing my maintenance overhead makes me excited about this decision. So reducing and automatize your daily overhead is important to become more productive and more valuable person.

Sunk cost

The sunk cost fallacy is real. The question is, what would you do about it? At this point in time, I feel like having a WordPress daily blog is an overkill. So shall I move it to a blogger or another platform? This is something I have yet to decide.

When you forget

When you forget to show up on time, you lose your credibility. When you forget to save your work, you lose momentum. When you forget to go to a business meeting, you lose the additional revenue. To forget is the ultimate sign of lack of focus. You need to focus on what you do to be able to achieve the next level.

Business wannabes

Business wannabe is someone who dreams of having business or to generate passive income, but understands nothing about the business itself. The dream of everyone is to buy a bunch of properties and get tons of passive income. The reality is way different. You need to find good tenants; you need to manage the maintenance and way more things. If you are not ready for such sacrifice, learning curve or to delegate, you are not ready for such business and as every business, you better understand it well or you will regret in the long term.

Living in a community

When you buy an apartment, you become part of a “family”. A community of people who are forced to live together. There is seldom a time, people interview the neighbors before they bought an apartment. We might not think that this is important, but after a year or two, you see how different interests occur. Mothers with children versus people who want peace and quiet. To balance those interests, the owners elect a committee and a sort of mayor figure to take care of the decisions. There is a risk for the committee because not everyone will be happy, but in the end, if there is a lack of decisions, there is a lack of progress. The people need to be able to understand that and elect officials who are able to make hard decisions.

Taking a risk

People are fairly passive. This is related to the law of preserving energy. Making a decision could lead to stress, and stress is uncomfortable. We lose energy when we stress too. Therefore, many people would rather do nothing, instead of creating a plan on how to spend their time. Today I had organized board game activity, and it was a hard work. Planning where to be, inviting people and convincing them to come, and so on. In the end, the result was an amazing and my friends and I had fabulous times.   The moral of the story is simple, sometimes we need to be proactive, plan activities, take risks to create something magical for us and others.

Takeaway from my trip

It was a nice day, and I took a trip to a nearby city called Dresden. They managed to use the space wisely and create a nice beach atmosphere on the river Elbe. The point here is if you have more real estate space, building more things makes the entire area less appealing. This also involves a lot of planning and vision of how a space in the city would look like 5 – 10 years from now. We can all be a bad planner, in our work or our life. But it is worth investing the time to think about it and designing it. This will ensure that in the next 5 to 10 years we will build something beautify, attracting more success and wealth.

Friday’s attitude

I got to a meeting this morning where one member of the scrum team was glad it was Friday. I don’t like the entire Friday vacation vibe, and I do think that the company must make the environment better so people will spend their free time productively, and rest actively and not try to forget the busy week. But this is both personal attitude and company culture questions.

Balance the stakeholders’ interests

You all need to balance your life between spouse, work and other priorities. Try to reduce being part of messy meetings and keep your energy high throughout the day. Don’t take things too personally and don’t focus on the things that will distract you from what you want to achieve.

Your precious time

As wrote yesterday, time is precious and we rarely use it wisely. Therefore, we need to plan and have a plan for the day, week, month and year in order to be able to use the most out of it. If you play your cards correctly, then you will feel successful no matter the circumstances. Especially if you are stuck in a pointless meeting .

The messy meeting

When you know there will be a messy meeting and there is nothing you can do about it, the best thing to do is to avoid it. Messy people produce messy meetings, and they take the time and the energy of everyone who is part of it. That is why instead of being part of this drama, find a better team and better meetings to invest your precious energy.

The path to neverland

Today I read the following post: “I have an idea for my next blog post” followed by “Once I have some time I’ll write more coherently about that topic.” This is such a missed opportunity to create discussion rather than wait for the perfect conditions to write a blog post. This is also my thought process behind daily blogging. I would take great pleasure in producing longer posts with greater value, however my time is constrained. Having a short form is a way better and I can be way more consistent with the time I spend. Don’t wait for the perfect condition, start small and increment. This is the path to a true mastery.

Being unique vs being part of the crowd

 Being unique is scary. You risk a lot; you expose yourself to people that may not understand you or care about your vision, ideas, and behavior. Have you ever thought about morphing into becoming part of the crowd? Then you are replaceable. You become one piece that anyone can replace at any time.   I have seen people who lost their job, and it was hard for them to find a new one because they were replaceable. So yes, showing your uniqueness is hard, but being replaced and not having a new opportunity is an even harder and riskier bet.

Goodbye Skype

After many years, we are finally removing MS Skype as an internal communication tool. There are alternatives, and one of them is MS Teams. It is fascinating how both tools appear to be similarly user-hostile, yet MS Teams succeed in causing a heightened level of user-unfriendliness if you try to utilize something other than the primary feature to converse with people. I hope it is not only me, but I find the entire concept of teams in MS Teams almost useless. It is very hard to engage with people who mainly use the tool to chat 1 on 1. Do you use the teams feature and what are your hacks to make it work when building a community?

Project completed

The team and I spent a great deal of effort to implement the most current Smart Tachograph version 2, which has been launched and successfully completed all the trials and is now ready for our customs to use.   This was the pilot project and many more will soon follow, helping the company and the customers to be confident that they complied with the latest EU regulations. Since this was the pilot project, I am extremely proud of being part of this journey at Thales.   Note: the uploaded picture is only intended to demonstrate how the cards look like and not the actual product we worked on.  

Asking for help!

People don’t like to ask for help! They think it is a sign of weakness. In reality, only the strong people can ask for help, because they know exactly what they need help for. The weak will ask for help or advice just to attract attention, but rarely change. Make sure when you ask for help that you will actually use it and not disregard it.

Accepting the reality

My friend wanted to pitch an idea. Two years ago, she could have secured funding, but not anymore. She can choose to push more even if all investors tell her the same thing or give up. Sometimes accepting reality and not trying to deny it is the best way to move on.

Grieving process

No matter what you do, once there is a loss, no matter if a position, separation with a partner or a parent, there is a normal process of grieving. We need to plan this time and go over this process. It is also normal for people to escape this process, because it can be very difficult to accept that something we have taken for granted is now gone. It is a very uncomfortable process. But as life teaches us, there are cycles and the only thing we need to do is to ensure that we are most of the time in an uptrend cycle. To do that, we need to bring back the lessons learned and move on.

The game headhunters play

I have seen a lot of unethical headhunters. They are lazy and don’t understand well what they need to do, so they prefer to attract quantity and not quality people. That is why they are fishing for the right candidate instead of really selecting them. One such person who clearly was chasing the “easy money” sent me this questionnaire. What is your English level? What are your salary expectations? Describe your experience with …… do you follow, do you have professional experience in leading ….? Share your recent work achievement. What changes in the field of project management have you implemented over the past year? What is important for you in your work?   I also received this answer to the above questions: “Unfortunately, we have a certain process that we must follow. To coordinate the HR interview, I needed this information, the conversation will be more substantive and we also appreciate your time! These questions do not oblige you to go through the entire process, but will hel...

Compromises with a partner

I am not a big fan of compromises when it comes to partnership. But sometimes you need to give time to the relationship to see where it is truly going. Kindness wins big times. So instead of being frustrated, actively monitor where your relationship with your partner is heading and see if this direction is something you see a future.

Let’s put it under the carpet

When the requirements are to develop something fast and of a great quality. The answer is simple: you will get something that was developed fast. Let’s not pretend that things are different than what they are. But fast things have their hidden cost which companies rarely think of. But those issues are not for us. Their purpose is to be put under the carpet and forget about them. Until…

The new focus

It is June and the focus of this month is to work towards some personal projects I kept back. Also, I want to gain more knowledge on AI topics. What will be your focus for this month?

Scrum retrospective went wrong

One of the reasons I am skeptical about Scrum is the bad implementation I see over and over again. I saw a team where one proposal was to assign all the tasks from the very beginning. This is an example of a closed mindset and strong managerial influence. This will never bring any innovation or incentive and the people who will suffer the most are not the people who work on the project, but the management, who will keep on asking why the teams don’t come up with innovative products.

To make a great product

I was at a party in Barcelona. What surprised me a lot is how their public transportation system evolved. I can see way more places showing the timetables and when will be the next bus. Metro seems to be developing too. A lot more people are using bikes and in general this city is friendlier than ever towards tourists and visitors. Barcelona is a thriving city, unlike some that languish. If you want to have a great product, make it easier for your customer to feel right and feel safe and feel that with their abilities, they can navigate. If you do that, the product will be easier to advertise and reach a wider audience, because your current visitors will be your fans and will write good words for your products. This is what I am doing now about Barcelona.

Outside of the box

We all live in some sort of box. The joy of traveling brings you new experiences. The new experiences challenge you to rethink the way you do things. This leads to changing your life and applying what you learned to become a better version of yourself. You might find a cheaper or faster way to do that too. Just remember, when things are getting stuck you need to change the script and do something different to achieve different results.

The impossible task == lack of strategies

Passing a language test seems to be an impossible task for me. The reason I am writing this is that I don’t invest enough time to learn that language. It is not about lack of talent; it is all about lack of strategies. This means that if you and I have an impossible task ahead of us, we need to adjust our strategies in order to accomplish it. Think about what impossible task you want to conquer and adjust your strategies accordingly!

Delegate with kindness

It is about time to adopt a new way of delegation. We should use more kindness when we see that someone is doing the wrong thing, but also we need to be assertive to the fact that these wrong things need to be corrected. If we just point out the wrong execution and be emotional about it, we won’t help the person or us in that situation, on the contrary, we will make the things worse. Delegation with kindness is the new sexy way to go.


Half of the year is close to being achieved. We still have a war, high inflation, and a lot of problems, but what we also have are amazing opportunities. But we need to find a way to evolve from feeling the fear and uncertainty. As an example, I gained my Amazon AWS Architect Associate certificate, and I am looking for more opportunities to grow. I had been to 6 countries this year and hopefully more (Cyprus, Bulgaria, Finland, Montenegro and the Netherlands, Spain) And there are many more things I have achieved. The point here is, we can focus on the things we can work on, and the rest is just the white noise, the environment we need to adjust to.