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Showing posts from September, 2022

Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy

Something Tim Ferriss shared recently and deeply resonated in me. “Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy” It is a big issue in corporates about Ego and politics. What does this mean? When developing software, there is a big push on the speed and “develop it faster” mentality. I have seen this in some QA Team Leads who seem to execute tests without fully understanding the context and putting a lot of pressure on the dev team to prove them wrong in the end. Speed up the test preparation leads to a waste of time for the entire development team. This is true for developers and features dev. There are sometimes issues with the prioritizations and the right things are delivered at the wrong time, or wrong features are developed and prioritized in the worst time. What needs to happen is to have experienced lead/manager who can create a process where it is not about the ego and the individual needs to push things further, but it is about the team to get together and to prioritize the a...

JVM hot start tecnology

Exciting presentation by  Gerrit Grunwald  from  #azul  yesterday! We talked about  #Cloud  and  #JVMs  and how to make the starting time faster. I am interested in  #amazon  and  #Azure  and this technology seems promising for micro service use cases. Also, a new thing I find out is in Bulgaria there is a very active and cool  #JUG  community! Kudos! You can check out the link:  

Progress goes on

I am thrilled that we are moving a project to Java 11. I know there are even latests versions out there, but for me it seems good achievement already. I am working with the team to have good coverage for critical components and security is a big focus. The challenge in software development when you start from an already established product is how to balance between security and usability. There are many things to consider, including the GDPR regulations. What you need to do is: 1️⃣​ Identify critical users and if you can, please present them solution in advance to get their feedback. 2️⃣​ Identify critical customer data and how long you must keep it and how to store it securely 3️⃣​ Identify the attack surface of your application and how you can mitigate any potential attacker’s attempt. 4️⃣​ Priorities all the user stories you had identified. Remember, there won’t be enough time for everything, so work incrementally.

The power of branding

How does mobile first affect the branding nowadays? I love the explanation made by this video. There is a cycle in the branding for the companies. In the beginning, they were almost cartoonish. Then they become more complex and detailed. The current phase for the brands is to go back to a simple design. Think about your company’s brand and how important it is in this current stage of the company development? If you are a startup, you can benefit from this simplified trend and spend less time on branding and more on client acquisition.


Interesting how big and small organizations and corporations are focused on digital ID. In terms of Web3.0, people who choose to be anonymous on the internet and don’t be tracked. This is essential. But of course, governments have different priorities. To enable security, they need to recognize the person and validate their level of risk. In this link ,you will find an article how the DigitalID in governments enables easier government to citizens services.    

The being anonymous challenge

Another gathering on the topic of Web3.0, privacy and the upcoming PoS Ethereum change. Main ideas and topics were about privacy. Web2.0 gave connectivity, which enabled monitoring and tracking. Web3.0 could give more privacy to the people who choose to embody it. In the spirit of the meeting, the picture is very nerdy and you can’t tell who was one of the participants 😉 One interesting topic I had was about how do you invest or support a project you have no idea who are the founders behind it. For some people it was okay, but for me it is still a paradigm shift to look at projects where the authors choose to be anonymous. How about you? Would you trust an amazing project which you have no idea who is the team behind it?

Out with the old and in with the new

New research claims that  Apple  Pay has surpassed  Mastercard  in the dollar value of transactions annually, with its $6 trillion total meaning it’s over halfway to equaling  Visa . Since its launch in 2013, Apple Pay has seen rising adoption by users, banks, and retailers, until in 2021 it accounted for 92% of all mobile wallet debit transactions. Now, according to comparison site Trading Platforms, Apple Pay is the second most popular digital payment system, beaten only by Visa. The top-ranking Visa processes approximately $10 trillion worth of transactions per year, with Apple Pay on over $6 trillion. This is how innovation overtakes traditional companies and their role in the transactional world. I wonder what will this means for the future of money transfer? Will Apply or other IT company introduce a new technology which would make MasterCard and Visa obsolete?