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Lesson learned by watching Spider-man No way home

I went to see the new Spider-man movie, and it made me delighted. Recently I got sorry about the fact that the movies turned out to be longer and longer and after 1 and a half hours, actually boring. This is actually a nice analogy for productivity and how work which initially got you excited could become dull. Especially if your work or life becomes repetitive. Which is ironic if you think about it. On one hand, the key to success is to have stable habits, on the other having only stable habits might make your life miserable in a way.

One example from my watching movie experience. There was a movie where the fighting scene was over 30 minutes long and this easily turned from delightful event to a dull and boring, repetitive action. What, in my opinion, makes action or fantasy movies easy to watch is a special spice, a mixture of drama and comedy and adventure. Otherwise, what I found for myself is that after a while I regret starting to watch the movie. This is also my only concern with movies like the latest James Bond was the enormous amount of cliche elements without having a balance of some relief or in-depth explanation of the story line.

So what can you learn from a movie like “Spider-Man: No way home” is that having a balance in your life will keep you wanting more and giving more to your work than if you just do the hard work and no rest.

Burning out is a real thing and I know many people, including myself, 10 years ago going through it. You can easily lose motivation to do your very best. But if you design your life to have the right mixture and balance of work hard and having rest or an enjoyable hobby, you will achieve more for a longer period of time.

Think about your weekly work and schedule time for fun and meeting friends. On the other hand, if you want to learn something new and you only spend time meeting friends, try to limit it and schedule time for learning. By creating a balance in your life, you will open yourself for more opportunities.


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