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The curse of overusing comparisons

 Selling is a game of emotions.

The seller tries to attach the meaning to their product of what you seek as a buyer.

Confidence, success, even sex.

But what happens when everyone starts to overuse specific words?

For example: "This event is for overachievers", "Mega successful people do this" or "Trillion dollar habits".

Sellers try to outsmart others by putting bigger words on their products.

In the end, it is not about them, but about us. Maybe we need to adapt to a new way of thinking, where less is more.

Don't look for trillion dollar habit book, but instead habits that will make you deliver on consistent results. It doesn't sound so sexy, but building business should be a boring and consistent path.

If you are excited and have to "extinguish fires" in your bussiness each morning, this is not the life you can sustain in the long run.



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