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Where is the clapping

 The sign of adulthood is when you are able to solve your own issues and no one is there to congratulate you!

When you are a child, your parents and society congratulate you for the good and mature things you did.

And this gave you a confidence boost. When you are an adult, literally no one cares besides you.

But that is good. This means you already achieved something great.

Now it is the time to change the dialog. Shift the paradigm of I need clapping and acknowledgement by others, to I am capable and confident to do new things.

This narrative is uncomfortable, because suddenly we are being responsible for all the success and failures we bring upon ourself.

Yet, this is a good sign. If you do something amazing and there is no clapping, it means you are a mature person and you can continue doing great things.

You can be your own cheerleader and occasionally when you do something amazing not only for yourself, but for others, this is the time to share it with the world.


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