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Winning a competition

To win a competition, you need to have specific qualities.

You must believe in what you do

If you don’t believe in yourself or what you want to achieve, it is way better to give up. There are so many people who do “fake it until you make it”, but those are B players characteristics. To be an A player, you must adopt a different mindset. You must be doing the most important things and tasks and reduce the distractions. Than there is nothing that would stop you from achieving and winning everything.

You must listen to a feedback

I usually know when someone would fail. A clear indication is the way they react to a feedback. There are many people who might not have your best intentions in mind and they will try to put you down. There are also amazing human beings who want you to succeed. They use their precious time to provide you with a feedback on your project. It will be disrespectful of you if you don’t listen to them. This might seem like a contradiction. How can you believe in what you do and listen to others?

In reality, we all need to adjust our trajectory in life. In the many books and autobiographies I had read, there wasn’t a single person who come up with an idea and didn’t change it along the way. Change is great! It enriches our ideas and makes it even better.

You must execute on your commitement

There will be many moments of doubt, but knowledge without action is a waste of time. Therefore, it is way better to execute on your ideas than just to stay being paralized and waiting to be 100% sure.

This would never happen, if you look at the basketball payers at the hall of fame, many of them failed far more than succeed, this is also true for entreperenurs. Instead of knowing what you need to do adopt a different mindset.

How they say it, knowledge is cheap, but your actions will determine your success in life.

By applying unshakable belief combined with a trajectory adjustment and unstoppable execution, there is no project you can’t accomplish.

And this is how you win a competition!


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