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The church new business model

I read today an interesting news article:”Prague Archdiocese plans to sell iconic bell tower and buy flats to rent out”.

The Roman Catholic Church plans to boost its income by owning and renting out about 1,000 apartments. The Prague Archdiocese plans to invest almost CZK 3 billion in housing by 2025, Prague Archdiocese Vicar-General Jan BalĂ­k said at a press conference.

I see this as a big stretch to the Church’s purpose, and here is my comment on the social media.

“Holy churchy”, what is happening here? The Church will buy big apartments and have restaurants? Imagine renting an apartment from the Catholic Church in Prague? What is the role of the religion in the modern society?
If the church is an enterprise, then is it really helping people or looking over the stakeholder’s interests?
What do you think, should church stick to the donation model and provide better service or it is better to be self sustainable and start charging rent and serve food?
Here is an interesting business idea. HolyBnB where you can stay in a property owned by a church.


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