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Brian Tracy: 1st rule of success in your career

I listen to some old audio from Brian Tracy and it was interesting to learn what, according to him, were the rules for a career success. He recorded this audio a long time ago. I tried to filter out the things I don’t consider relevant in today’s environment and try to get only the things that are still relevant.

The first thing I liked is his lesson on creating a “Self-employed mindset”.

It is true for many companies. Big corporations promote internal mobility or your own career path. And your manager is not always responsible for showing you opportunities inside the company.

It happens to me a lot. I know way more than my manager about internal opportunities and this led me to lead the Agile community, and a community related to innovation.

And this is not by accident. I want to contribute to the environment where I am part of and I am constantly looking for initiative to contribute and learn from.

How about you? Do you have the mindset of being your own boss and moving your career in a direction you want to be, or you prefer someone else to lead you?


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