Another tip for becoming successful is to choose your boss carefully.
Your boss is someone who could push your career or prevent you from being successful.
It happens often, and there is an old saying about it.
People leave managers and not companies.
I know people who are stuck in the same position because their manager refuses to promote them.
I know as well many managers who state that the career progression is solely in the hands of their subordinates.
This theory seems amazing, meaning if their team is not promoted is their own fault. In reality, it is rather more common for the progress to be stopped by a manager who can’t find another person to take the spot of a star performer.
I know a guy who had interviewed for a position in a Fortune 100 company and the manager used the phrase “Smelly developers”. How would you feel if you are a developer in the team of that manager?
I hope the message is clear! Next time when you interview a company, ensure that your manager is good as well.
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