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The company's culture choice

One fundamental question your organization needs to answer honestly is if their employees are part of the culture?

If they are part of the culture, their feedback will change the way the culture and the company behave. The so-called bottom up approach.

If the employees are not part of the culture, then they follow what the top managers decide. This will mean that even if the managers pretend they value employees’ feedback, they won’t take their input into account.

In business, people are not stupid and it is far better to be honest with the rules from the beginning, instead of losing precious time, trying to pretend you are something you are actually not.

Once the business decides what company they are, they can effectively ask for a feedback only on the right topics.

Constantly asking feedback for things that you don’t plan to change only decreases your employee morale.

The first rule of successful companies is to not lose focus on the important things.

You don’t want to have false promises and then protect the management. If you do that, you will lose the most valuable people in your organization, and even worse for companies, you will lose your competitive advantage.

For many top executives, especially after the big layoff, there is a big question they need to answer.

What culture do we want to maintain in our organization?

Do we want to rule that culture, or do we want to give that power to the employees?



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