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Bad news equal bad habits

 I am still on my journey to limit the amount of news consumption. I prefer to read financial news and business analysis, but I am so conditions to read local news that I can’t help it.

That is why it is important to look at what we are conditioned to do and improve it when this habit stops serving us.

In the past, local news was very important to me. I could be always up to date and chose what to do at that date. The more I grow as a person, the more I focus on long-term goals and on that level of understanding, local news is just a noise. Many politicians or other institutions will want your attention. And the easiest thing to do is to say something scandalous. But there is nothing for you and the worse is that you pay with your mental energy and attention.

Instead of working on your own goals, you might use this to escape the cool things you need to do.

The solution is difficult, but the only possible one, stop practicing bad habits and adopt better one.


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