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End of the month retrospective

 Another month successfully passed. I had been doing some work on organizing an event in Prague for my professional organization.

Also, I have been to networking events and as well working remotely and scuba diving.

One thing I am exploring is how to be effective when not working from my home.

Something I am extremely proud of is sticking to my goals for reducing my weight and improving my BF index. I lost 1 kg and I look even better than before.

My ultimate goal is to become leaner (not skinny) and to keep that weight.

The learning points for this month are:

*Be patient with people. Some people need more time to get the things you already see.

*Networking is awkward, but meeting awesome people is great. Keep doing that.

*Thinking seriously to start again and complete my Czech skills. Why postpone it

*Finished a course on GO programming.

*I still need to work on my habits and it seems harder think then what I initially thought it will be.


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